Rabu, 24 April 2013

[A566.Ebook] Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

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Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

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Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush

Women's Wisdom English The Garden of Peace for Women Now in English! "Women's Wisdom - The Garden of Peace for Women" by Rabbi Shalom Arush is finally available. If you've read any of the Rabbi's earlier books, such as "The Garden of Emuna," "The Garden of Peace," or "In Forest Fields," then you know how exciting and interesting the Rabbi's writings are. If you've never read any books by Rabbi Shalom Arush, this is a good place to start! Translated by Rabbi Lazer Brody, this book is for women only, but women of all ages. Not limited to marital issues alone, Rabbi Arush teaches of whole life from the feminin perspective. The book is divided into eight sections, covering all aspects of a woman's life. Yes, marriage, but also finances, food, children, etc. etc. When King Solomon said, "Every wise woman buildeth her home : but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." (Mishlei 14:1), it is this knowledge and wisdom that is refered to. Get it and read it. 414 pages, softcover. English $18.00 + 4.75 S&H

  • Sales Rank: #40017 in Books
  • Published on: 2010
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 414 pages
  • Chochmot Nashim
  • Garden of Peace for women
  • Bring Peace Home

Most helpful customer reviews

21 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Have Book for every Woman/A REAL MANUAL
By Aviya Bat Avraham
Rabbi Sholom Arush explained that just as how much important it is to take a thourough study (both the road rules and the actual) before driving a car; so to prevent a driver from harming himself/passengers and other drivers how much more in marriage. Both men and women should study about marriage before embarking on it. So as not to clashed with one's spouse and not to lead the marriage into divorce which greatly affects the children as well.

Both the book The Garden of Peace for men and Women's Wisdom are must haves. When both spouse read and observe their respective books together - they will meet in love and peace. These books are truly powerful that it heals up the relationship of spouses even in the brink of divorce. It is such a great blessings that these books has been written-thank G-d!

I wished, I could have learned about Women's Wisdom as early 17 1/2 it could have saved me a lot of pain in preparing for courtship and marriage. This is highly recommended from single women (from marriageble age) to women who has been married even for 50 yrs!

The best books ever!! You'll see and you can't stop recommending it.

15 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Book, the world would be a better place if more women read this!
By Mrs. Wolfe
I got this book as I entered into a "the woman I want to be journey" and the description was right on! So I started into it, and my "inner angry feminist" started to get very insulted. "How dare a MAN tell me how to be a WOMAN." I could hear the author's writing style in my head and disliked him telling me how I should be and what I should do. I talked so some friends about the book though, and anything that I'd disliked we could step back and think about and reach the conclusion that the author is right! So I started again with an open mind and this book really is making my marriage more peaceful. Some of the advice is hard to swallow at first, but it's worth it! How many more families could benefit from the application of this book?! It may seem a little old-fashioned, but really, the lack of some of these points are what's tearing families apart today. My husband has seen the change in my behavior and has expressed that he wants to read The Garden of Peace for Men- I just ordered it for him!

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
I'm not Jewish.....
By kmusikdi
I read a lot of reviews about this book before buying it, and I'm so glad I did buy it. I think it's THE BEST book I've ever read about being a wife. I'm not Jewish so some of the references to that faith don't apply to me; however, there is a lot of practical advice in this book that anyone can use as a wife and mother. I have recommended it to many friends. I've even thought about buying ten copies and just passing them out to friends -- that's how much I feel this book can be life changing!

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[A566.Ebook] Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush Doc

[A566.Ebook] Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush Doc
[A566.Ebook] Download PDF Women's Wisdom: The Garden of Peace for Women, by Shalom Arush Doc

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